
From Model to Wellness Entrepreneur: The Inspirational Journey of Ekhos Saskia Topp

Wellness Entrepreneur

With a passion for health and wellness, Saskia Topp’s transformation from model to wellness entrepreneur is a truly inspiring story. In this blog post, you will explore the remarkable journey of how Saskia leveraged her background in digital marketing and personal training to co-found Ekhos, a successful full-service marketing agency focused on helping fitness brands thrive in the online world. Learn how Ekhos approaches marketing strategies, maintains authenticity, achieves impressive results for its clients, and inspires a community of health and wellness enthusiasts.

Key Takeaways:

  • Saskia Topp’s Diverse Background: Saskia Topp’s journey from a model to a successful entrepreneur in the health and wellness industry showcases her diverse skills and interests.
  • Ekhos’ Unique Approach: Ekhos, the marketing agency co-founded by Topp, focuses on building authentic connections with clients and consumers, using data-driven strategies and personalized solutions.
  • Success Stories: Ekhos has a proven track record of helping health and wellness brands achieve significant growth, such as increasing online sales, growing memberships, and boosting revenue.
  • Inspirational Community: Ekhos goes beyond being just a marketing agency, engaging with its audience through various platforms, events, and workshops to inspire and educate on topics related to fitness, nutrition, and wellness.
  • Commitment to Social Responsibility: Ekhos is dedicated to giving back to society and the environment, supporting causes and charities, and implementing eco-friendly practices to make a positive impact.

Saskia Topp’s Journey from Model to Wellness Entrepreneur

Background and Passion for Health and Wellness

While Saskia Topp started her career as a model, working with renowned brands and appearing in magazines and commercials, her true passion has always been health and wellness. With a keen interest in fitness and nutrition, she decided to pursue a degree in digital marketing to merge her passions and share her knowledge with others. Becoming a certified personal trainer, Saskia began coaching clients to achieve their fitness goals, recognizing a gap in the market for a digital marketing agency tailored to the needs of health and wellness brands.

Formation of Ekhos and Its Mission

Journeying from a model to a successful entrepreneur, Saskia Topp co-founded Ekhos with her husband, a digital marketing expert, in 2021. Ekhos emerged as a data-driven, story-centric agency that offers a range of services focusing on e-commerce, web design, and digital marketing for health and wellness brands. Another key aspect of Ekhos is its hands-on approach, building authentic connections with clients and consumers to provide personalized solutions for their success.

Wellness Entrepreneur

Ekhos’ Approach and Success in the Health and Wellness Industry

Now, let’s investigate into Ekhos’ approach to helping health and wellness brands succeed in the digital marketing realm. Ekhos prides itself on building authentic connections with clients, consumers, and potential buyers. Their hands-on approach ensures that each project receives personalized and tailored solutions, utilizing data and analytics to measure and optimize campaign performance.

Personalized Marketing Strategies

Marketing strategies at Ekhos are carefully crafted to suit the unique needs of each health and wellness brand. Whether it’s creating a new e-commerce website, optimizing SEO and PPC campaigns, or launching a social media and email marketing strategy, Ekhos ensures that every aspect of your digital presence aligns with your brand’s objectives.

Notable Success Stories

Personalized success stories at Ekhos speak volumes about their expertise in the health and wellness industry. For instance, Ekhos helped the training equipment maker Power Plate increase its online sales by 300% in just six months. Similarly, they assisted the boutique fitness studio Vibez Fit in growing its membership by a remarkable 150% in just three months. This is just a snapshot of the remarkable results Ekhos can help your brand achieve in the competitive health and wellness market. This is how Ekhos separates itself from traditional marketing agencies by offering tailored and effective strategies that drive real, measurable results for health and wellness brands. With Ekhos by your side, your brand can soar to new heights in the digital landscape of the health and wellness industry.

Ekhos’ Inspiring Impact on the Health and Wellness Community

Sharing Expertise and Passion

After transitioning from a successful modeling career to becoming a wellness entrepreneur, Saskia Topp and Ekhos have been dedicated to sharing their expertise and passion for health and wellness with the community. Through their blog, podcast, and social media platforms, they provide valuable insights and tips on topics such as fitness, nutrition, and overall well-being. By inviting experts and influencers to share their knowledge at events and workshops, Ekhos inspires others to prioritize their health and make positive lifestyle choices.

Commitment to Social Causes and Sustainability

Social responsibility is at the core of Ekhos’ values. They are not only dedicated to helping health and wellness brands succeed but also to giving back to society and the environment. Ekhos supports causes such as the Movember Foundation, the World Wildlife Fund, and the Ocean Cleanup, showcasing a commitment to making a positive impact beyond the business realm. Furthermore, Ekhos strives to be eco-friendly and sustainable, utilizing renewable energy sources, recycling materials, and actively reducing waste.

This commitment to social causes and sustainability aligns with Ekhos’ mission to make a meaningful difference in the world and inspire others to do the same. By integrating these values into their business practices, Ekhos sets an example for how companies in the health and wellness industry can make a positive impact on society and the environment.


Ultimately, the journey of Ekhos and Saskia Topp is an inspiring example of how passion, dedication, and expertise can lead to success in the competitive world of health and wellness entrepreneurship. Saskia’s transition from a model to a digital marketing expert and wellness advocate showcases the power of following your interests and utilizing your skills to create a meaningful and impactful career. By combining her love for fitness and nutrition with her knowledge of digital marketing, Saskia was able to establish Ekhos as a leading agency that helps health and wellness brands thrive in the online space.

As you reflect on Saskia’s story, remember that success in entrepreneurship is not solely measured by financial gain, but also by the positive impact you can make on others. Ekhos’ commitment to authenticity, community engagement, and social responsibility serves as a reminder that you can build a successful business while staying true to your values and contributing to the well-being of society and the environment. Whether you are commenceing on a new venture or looking to grow your existing business, take inspiration from Ekhos and strive to create a purpose-driven enterprise that resonates with your beliefs and aspirations.


Q: Who is Saskia Topp and what makes her journey unique?

A: Saskia Topp is a successful entrepreneur, digital marketing expert, and advocate for health and wellness. Her journey from a model to a wellness entrepreneur is unique as she combined her passion for fitness and nutrition with her expertise in marketing to co-found Ekhos, a marketing agency specializing in helping fitness brands grow online.

Q: What led Saskia Topp to start Ekhos?

A: Saskia’s interest in fitness and nutrition, combined with her experience as a model and digital marketer, led her to identify a gap in the market for a digital agency catering specifically to health and wellness brands. This realization inspired her to start Ekhos with her husband in 2021.

Q: How does Ekhos help its clients achieve success?

A: Ekhos takes a personalized and data-driven approach to assist clients in achieving their goals. By offering services such as e-commerce, web design, brand identity, and digital marketing, Ekhos creates tailored solutions for each client and remains flexible and adaptable throughout the process.

Q: Can you provide examples of Ekhos’ successful collaborations?

A: Some of Ekhos’ success stories include helping Power Plate increase online sales by 300%, assisting Vibez Fit in growing its membership by 150%, and supporting Fourfive in increasing revenue by 400%. These outcomes demonstrate Ekhos’ ability to deliver results for its clients.

Q: How does Ekhos contribute to the health and wellness community?

A: Ekhos not only offers marketing services but also shares its passion and expertise through its blog, podcast, and events. Additionally, Ekhos supports various causes and charities, demonstrating its commitment to giving back and being environmentally conscious.

Written by
Jennifer Dixon

Jennifer Dixon is a passionate and professional news writer with over 15 years of experience in the media industry. She has worked as a reporter, editor, and correspondent for various news agencies such as Reuters, CNN, and BBC. She has covered a wide range of topics, from politics and business to culture and entertainment. She has a keen eye for detail and a flair for storytelling. She is also an avid reader and learner, always curious about the world and its people. Jennifer holds a master's degree in journalism from Northwestern University and a bachelor's degree in English from Yale University. She is currently working as a freelance writer and consultant, helping clients with their news and content needs. In her spare time, she enjoys hiking, yoga, and photography.

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